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The City of Inverness recently made history by hosting its inaugural Florida Senior Games qu…
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At 23,500 square feet, with a favorable purchase price and room to add a second floor, the old Office Max building by the former Crystal River Mall is a good fit for the city’s new city hall, according to Crystal River City Manager Audra Curts.
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As in the previous year, managing the challenges of rapid, unprecedented growth dominated Citrus County government in 2023. The surge in new-home construction prompted the county recently to hire additional building inspectors to keep up with the flood of permits.
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Melissa Curry takes a moment to pray and compose herself after the Crystal River Church of God’s Focus House presented her with $5,000 to go toward furniture and moving expenses on her Habitat for Humanity of Citrus County house.
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In this photo from Dec. 26: Kristy Jocelyn, executive director of BASICS United, the nonprofit organization that operates the cold weather shelter and does outreach and case management for people who are homeless, surveys her Inverness home Thursday after it was destroyed in a fire.
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Among the families present was the Parker clan. With each child clutching a gift, as soon as they saw Santa and his wife, they grew excited, but held back until Santa invited them to join him, including the youngest, a 5-month-old girl.
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Positive signs. But despite current hardships, there are “positive signs on the horizon,” Wooten said. The chamber is seeking additional input from the business community through a new survey to help shape its 2025 legislative agenda.
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Russian news agencies say a blast in an upscale residential block in Moscow has killed one person and wounded four others. Russia’s state news agency RIA Novosti said Monday that those wounded in the blast, the cause of which was not revealed, have been hospitalized in …