Samhandling ligger til grunn for alle samfunn, fra maurtuer til menneskelige sivilisasjoner. Samhandling er også grunnlaget for språket slik vi bruker det i samtaler og tekster som former vårt moderne ...
Emnet består av fagområdene alminnelig forvaltningsrett (13 stp.), velferdsrett (7 stp.), miljørett (5 stp.) og EØS-rett (5 stp.) samt en semesteroppgave. Alminnelig forvaltningsrett gir en oversikt ...
This course addresses key regulatory questions regarding cybersecurity and cybercrime. The point of departure of the course is the increasing focus on cybersecurity not only as a technical issue, but ...
4 timer forelesning og 2 timer gruppeundervisning pr uke. Det er sterkt anbefalt å møte på første forelesningen fordi det vil bli gitt viktig information. Det kreves innlevering av obligatoriske ...
The course aims to give insight into a standard description of the English language and into the relationship between the meaning and the grammatical form of sentences and texts. Frequent comparisons ...
The course describes basic electrical and magnetic phenomena, as well as laws for electrical circuits, both at direct current and alternating current. The course gives a thorough introduction to ...
The core of the subject is a major programming task to be solved in small groups.Through the assignment, you will get practical training in programming and gain experience with how object-oriented ...
The course draws attention to the power of key concepts in the sustainability agenda and more specially, how such concepts have come to accommodate various and sometimes conflicting ideological ...
Coping with climate change and securing a clean and biodiversity rich environment are pressing challenges to modern societies. It will require transitions of political procedures, social structures, ...
This course examines the history of our universe from the Big Bang, through the formation of the cosmic microwave background, to the universe we see today, with all its large scale structures. To be ...
The techniques presented have for several years been used in design of real time systems and other distributed systems. We concentrate on systems of interacting actors and model such systems in UML.
This course will give you an introduction to robotics. You will learn about the mechanical structure of robots, the spatial description of robots and transformations. The course also deals with ...