After New Zealand’s Monica Spencer picked up some time penalties in the show jumping at the Grand-Prix Eventing Showcase at ...
EN’s Managing Editor Sally Spickard stopped by for the latest episode of The Jon and Rick Show, which you can watch above! Together with hosts Jon Holling and Rick Wallace, Sally chatted about her rol ...
Sally Bretton as Martha in Beyond Paradise. (Image credit: BBC) She starred in the first series of The Office Fans of Ricky Gervais’s iconic sitcom The Office may remember Sally starred in the first ...
An award winning artist, Rosemary is a regular exhibitor with the Society of Equestrian Artists and welcomes commissions in oils. Sally Mitchell Fine Arts Ltd, Tuxford. Rosemary Sarah Welch's painting ...
LAMB (64A: Meat in tave kosi) Tavë kosi is a traditional Albanian casserole of LAMB and rice in a creamy yogurt and egg sauce. CLEO (36D: "___ from 5 to 7" (Agnes Varda film)) CLÉO from 5 to 7 ...
BFF (3D: "Idk, my ___ Jill?") "Idk, my BFF Jill?" ("I don't know, my best friend forever, Jill?") is a quote from a 2007 Cingular/AT&T commercial promoting their unlimited texting plans. Somehow I ...
Shannon joined Stone onstage at 'SNL50: The Anniversary Special' on Sunday, Feb. 16 by reprising her iconic character Sally O'Malley NBC Saturday Night Live’s 50th anniversary special is ...
Phil Mitchell, the hardman of Albert Square, has certainly been busy with his love escapades on EastEnders, juggling multiple marriages with the likes of Kathy Beale, Sharon Watts and Lisa Fowler. Not ...
Instead, Emily Mortimer (Cars 2, Mary Poppins Returns) takes up the Mary role. In this new film, she’s a sweet mother, grappling with the fact her children are about to leave the nest. At this ...
Devolution must benefit every part of Sussex. A strong, decisive and unapologetic Conservative mayor, with a clear plan for uniting the county, can make this work. We need someone who understands, ...
“The stone that the builder refused shall become the chief cornerstone.” This powerful message of transformation and resilience is more than a biblical reference; it tells the journey of the ...