A teacher from the Shropshire and Wales border is excited to have her award winning debut book of poetry published.
If God could take somebody from Jesus’ troubled family of origin and use him to redeem all mankind, then surely God can redeem something positive from the likes of you and me.
Mayssa Hashaad, Elizabeth Muscari and Hiba Tahir — alumnae of the Department of English's M.F.A. Program in Creative Writing and Translation — are among the 31 Northwest Arkansas artists honored by ...
They say women only listen to people who give instructions on how to look good in a photo—and that is exactly what makes Joseph Maina, alias, 'Kapedo' a sensation.With his signature poses and ...
Sarwar is a writer, artist and community activist who shares Altadena poet laureate honors with writer Lester Graves Lennon.
Beatriz Fernandez was the first person to submit a Zip Ode in 2015, about her neighborhood. This year marks the tenth ...
After nearly eight years of hard work, Green Burial Kingston is delighted to announce that more than 100 green or natural ...
In a viral TikTok, a grandmother is surprised with recordings of her father singing, which she hadn't heard in 30 years ...
Arian Katsimbras’ debut poetry collection, The Wonder Years, published in 2023, details his harrowing, lonely, beautiful childhood in Washoe Valley.
Unfortunately, not all children have the opportunity to develop a love of books early on in life. In particular, poorer ...
What makes a good self-help book? The excellent book mentioned here is Philippa Perry’s The Book You Want Everyone You Love to Read. Rebecca Watson’s column also contains mention of Cate Blanchett’s ...