Discover what your headache is telling you. Learn to identify and manage tension headaches, migraines, cluster headaches, and ...
The first step is knowing what type of headache you are having. Older adults tend to have tension-type, migraine or ...
Having a headache is one thing, but adding other symptoms on top of that like new vision changes, numbness, tingling, ...
People assigned female at birth have a predisposition for migraines, especially in adolescence and around menopause. Find a ...
Wondering "Why does beer give me a headache or migraine attack?" Learn about common triggers and how you can enjoy a beer ...
Headache relief is different for everyone, but you can try compresses, massage, lying down, and sipping tea. Learn how to get ...
migraine without aura migraine with aura cluster headache tension headache It’s not known how alcohol exactly causes migraine headaches. The American Migraine Foundation (AMF) suggests that ...
Struggling with morning headaches? Your pillow might be the hidden culprit. Learn how the right support can ease head pain ...
You may have both tension headaches, which result from stress, and migraines during this time. Once you’re in menopause (you stop having periods for good), you’ll probably have fewer migraines.
The differences between tension and migraine headaches aren't absolute, meaning there's overlap. So for instance, migraine headaches, we tend to think of as more severe. But it's not to say that ...
Drinks that help relieve headaches (and sometimes migraine) do exist and are particularly helpful for when you want or need ...