How and why should the church use empirical evidence for ministry and discernment? Empirical data and engagement with the broader context of Catholicism can help us to better understand the life of ...
In his latest pastoral letter, the prelate of Opus Dei, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, reflected on how Christians should live ...
During the nearly two-hour liturgy, Cardinal McElroy encouraged the faithful of his new archdiocese to be “pilgrims of hope ...
In the light of the Resurrection, we as a local Church must unswervingly understand our vocation as disciples of hope …’ ...
In the midst of turbulent times, it can be hard not to fixate on the troubles of the present moment. Here's how hope can ...
When Calls the Heart's massive cast isn't getting equal story arcs, and it's hurting the series. Here's our argument. Check ...
Yolanda Pierce serves as dean of the Divinity Schoo at Vanderbilt University and is one of America’s vital theologians.
Joseph Addison’s words remind us of the simple, yet profound pillars of happiness: something to do, something to love, and ...
Where this happens, those who use religion for their own political or military ends peddle theological ideas such as community, love, hope, peace, freedom, mercy, and faith as the catch cry of one ...
Ash Wednesday falls on March 5 this year, the year of 2025 A.D. Ash Wednesday begins a season of repentance, a season which ...
Twelve years after I was ordained as a Lutheran pastor, the foundations of my faith began to crumble. This was the faith that ...