Tallinn-dwellers cannot but help having observed an unusual graffiti tag which has graced walls, fences, buildings, and ...
The city’s Landmarks and Historic Preservation has greenlit a new mural to be painted in downtown Medford. The project is a ...
Art Basel,” he said. “We’re central located. It’s such an easy spot for everybody.” Lujan agrees. She said graffiti artists who have learned of the wall make it a point to stop in Calwa ...
The artists Marina Biagini and Elisa Caracciolo will work with members of the community to restore their poignant public ...
The Department of Natural Resources, under Hilary Franz, recently opened the Thorpe property, near the Pullman Highway, to a thousand-home development. The parallels to L.A. are scary. Spokane’s ...
His peers like Keith Haring became icons. But now, 30 years after his passing, the legacy of Dan Friedman is more powerful ...
Material artist Chris Hodgson recreates realistic textures in video games, adding depth and authenticity to virtual worlds ...
The show runs at Harvard’s Ethelbert Cooper Gallery of African & African American Art through June 30. The show includes the ...
Artist George F. Baker III was born in Nebraska, raised in Detroit and moved to Atlanta in 2008. Baker painted four murals in Adair Park and one in Pittsburgh. He was influenced by the cartoons he ...