Muhammad Yusuf, Features Writer Yuliya Solomennaya was born Grodno, Belarus, in 1989. “I began to draw from the age of 5,” ...
While Trump ping-pongs back and forth with threats of tariffs, the Mexico City art scene, with dozens of galleries and ...
Surman renders animals in a manner that reflects our tendency to ascribe human emotion and feeling to other species.
ArtWorks @Salinas, a program from Arts Council for Monterey County, features local art and artisanal products for the ...
A full 23 years after a large-scale posthumous retrospective at the University of Haifa and at the Artists House in Jerusalem ...
Lily Kip, who's finishing up her master of fine arts degree in painting, won a cash grant to continue this direction after she finishes school.
A double-sided billboard in Arizona depicts Trump as Elon Musk's puppet the same week Trump used the White House to advertise ...
Hands clasped in joy, face framed by a wimple, she could with equal élan propose that Dutch Golden Age painter Gerard ter ...
A collaboration between Emma Balder and St. Francis residents bridges the gap between stigmatized communities and society.
Hiroshi Sueyoshi’s presence has helped shape the Wilmington art community, where he served as a friend and mentor to ...
"Uncanny" at the National Museum of Women in the Arts explores women's artwork that pairs the familiar and alien to ...
The Mid-City home that Nancy Hirsch Lassen shares with her newly minted husband, Jim Gambill, reflects the story of her ...