BRADFORD folk pride themselves on being hardworking, independent minded and plain speaking. They call a spade a spade - if not a shovel! You might say Amy Charlesworth’s art embodies these values and ...
Calla lilies are elegant plants with bold foliage and large funnel ... Upright and cascading varieties are available with ...
Sara Coleridge, daughter of Samuel Coleridge the poet, wrote verses for children during the mid-1800s and amongst her ditties about gardens and flowers that bloom each month, she is perhaps most ...
She painted them with a near spiritual ardour — large, macro portraits of roses, birds of paradise, calla lilies, and the black iris — lavished with colour and something resembling faith.
I don’t care if it isn’t officially spring, but I’m calling it – spring has sprung at our house. With all this nice weather we’ve been having and more on the way, it’s time to get outside for some ...
Julio Hernandez's father died when he was just a baby. At 21, he made a long trip from Wisconsin to Mexico to meet his family.
It was two weeks before the Paris show, and he was sitting in his atelier with a vase of white calla lilies behind him. “They are a little more pure than Black Orchid,” he said, referring to ...
Eugina Song was a year behind Eddy Man Kim at Cornell University (she was studying art, he was an architecture major), and though their paths crossed on the upstate New York campus, it wasn’t until ...
This weekend at Piazza Italian Market, we will taste a new wine to our collection, the Rosa delle Calle Toscana IGT Rosato ...
February is the shortest month of the year, but it is also jam-packed with holidays and events. For the fashion world, the ...