Scientists have studied trees depicted in various works of art and found they follow relatively simple mathematical rules also found in branching patterns in nature.
Lily Kip, who's finishing up her master of fine arts degree in painting, won a cash grant to continue this direction after she finishes school.
When a large abstraction with a $60,000 high estimate sold for $1.2 million, the art world woke up and said “Who is Lynn ...
The Mid-City home that Nancy Hirsch Lassen shares with her newly minted husband, Jim Gambill, reflects the story of her ...
I really enjoy painting because once you're in the zone, you can just freely let the paintbrush go," says artist Amela Cikota ...
The Mercury covers culture & art because we think all its various forms are—quite plainly—how people understand one another.
Last month the Contra Costa College library exhibited three new paintings. “Reflection”, “Back Then till’ Now” and ...
You can catch the "View from the Porch" art display, as well as James Griffin's abstract art pieces this month in ...
Works the size of postcards and bathroom tiles are challenging the market’s appetite for grand scales.
Bringing a collection of 52 photos to the Charles City Arts Center, photography is only the start of the artistic process.
Abstract painting is a hardy perennial of the art world. Trends may come and go, but the practice of translating visual ...
Abstraction is both a language and a way of thinking—an approach that allows me to engage with possibility rather than ...