The adage that a good partner brings out the best in you is 100 percent true. If you've noticed that you're more cheerful, ...
Picture this: you are a middle-aged Hong Kong woman married to your first love, with whom you share two young-adult children, and you learn that your husband has fallen for another woman during ...
It's easy to lose yourself in a relationship and stop prioritizing yourself. This is how I prioritize my growth and happiness ...
how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else?” But is it actually true? If we think of self-love in an extreme sense, as raging egocentricity, then the answer is a resounding “no”.
When a guy tells you that you're his first love, you might be skeptical. Is he being genuine, or is it just a line to win you ...
Wondering if what you're feeling is true love or just a fleeting crush? Here are some signs to help you figure it out.
Don't get me wrong, I love old reliables like Sex and the City and gripping dramas like Succession, The White Lotus, and ...
In 1997, for example, Vivian Gornick wrote that love was no longer the primary narrative conflict of contemporary literature. Her provocative argument—that cynicism, sadness, and cultural fatigue have ...
and just re-develop my love for music again. When you spend a bit of time away from it, it’s kind of hard to get back in. It’s sort of like the first steps of riding a bike: You’re kind of ...
My mother lied to a grieving lady ... and Redemption” and “Tiny Love Stories: True Tales of Love in 100 Words or Less.” I Love You. Please Find Someone Else.: “In sickness and in health ...
Self-love has major benefits, not only for our mind and body but also for our soul. When we practice self-love, we heal our ...