Sometimes seen as the stuff of commencement addresses, his poems are hard to pin down—just like the man behind them.
Born Parsi, Sufi of heart and Christian in suffering, Buddhist in his detachment, and Hindu in his sensuality, Hoshang Merchant’s life and poetry weave together ...
Michigan residents who lost loved ones to COVID-19 want to make sure the human toll of the pandemic is never forgotten.
Conversely, neither could she watch him “freeze” without ... Dickinson never married, though she fell in love with a number of unavailable men and women. This poem seems to point to her ...
His verses encompassed everything—love and resistance ... these simple natural elements fill him with happiness and serenity. In Lost and Found, a short poem from Qazi's Zarnawisht, the themes ...
I fell madly in love with him during rehearsals. We would see each other every so often and pick up right where we’d left off. Eventually we lost touch ... had followed my heart and never ...
What makes a good self-help book? The excellent book mentioned here is Philippa Perry’s The Book You Want Everyone You Love to Read. Rebecca Watson’s column also contains mention of Cate Blanchett’s ...
Robert Frost’s poem “Hyla ... decades after he lost two young children, his daughter Marjorie died from a postpartum infection. In 1938 Elinor died after suffering multiple heart attacks.