If there is one thing which breaks the monotony of life, which manifests differently each time, it would be love. Valluvar ...
Mid Ulster-based award winning architect, Johann Muldoon has published her first book of poetry exploring themes of love, ...
The job of a poet laureate is to engage Illinoisans in poetry, with each poet laureate given a small stipend to enact that ...
A reader shares what a poem Abby printed years ago still means to her.
The Western Mass.-based author goes beyond his popular Instagram wisdom with a new book of essays, poetry, and tools for ...
An Oxford researcher found a rare, handwritten variation of one of Shakespeare’s most famous love poems. About 400 years ago, ...
Some songwriters started writing poetry before segueing into song. Others will even say that most of their songs started as a poem, or inspired by the work of classic poetry, or poets. Videos by ...
There are plenty of nonverbal ways a person can prove how much they love you. They share their love by being considerate of ...
February: frank: sonnets and Modern Poetry by Diane Seuss Alongside Terrance Hayes, Diane Seuss has a strong case to be considered as the most influential American poet of the last 10 years. A ...
And you shall make the courtyard of the Mishkan ... is the author of 28 books including “God Wrestler: A Poem for Every Torah Portion.” Visit him at www.JewishPoetry.net ...
Sometimes seen as the stuff of commencement addresses, his poems are hard to pin down—just like the man behind them.
For this Poetry Project ... amplitude & love? Of reliance & dependence? What can an orca know of grief? *** It is said that the largest living organism on earth is a grove of male trees in North ...