While the circumstances vary from one denomination to another, there are some common threads. Several Protestant ...
What if suffering isn’t just what’s happening, but our reactions to it? Discover why we keep doing what doesn't serve us and ...
Risch, who seemed steadfast in support of Ukraine before Trump’s return, might use his position to conduct hearings on U.S.
St. Patrick's Day and all of its merriment is on the horizon. This year, Monday, March 17, 2025, is Saint Patrick's Day. Many ...
House Bill 2191, which is making its way through the Legislature, would allow some religious institutions to build housing on ...
After preaching on the Transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor in Luke's Gospel, the Rev. Daniel Kingsley shares how ...
French-born painter, a three term Baton Rouge mayor and the former owner of the building that became Baton Rouge’s old post ...
The responses Vischer drew to his post from evangelical Christians and other MAGA supports on X were astounding.
His hope wasn’t shallow; he didn’t use jokes to pretend he wasn’t suffering. Theological questions and lament came just as easily to him. He grieved. He saw how broken—how cursed—creation must be for ...
At least 10 families from the Church of Christ in Pasadena lost their homes in the Eaton fire. As congregants shared what ...
"And I had given them my entire salary for seven years.” It’s extremely rare we allow a source to go unnamed in a news story.
My new hack for productivity is rest. After spending my Reading Week flopping from bed to couch and back again while my peers jet-setted across the country and around the world, I had plenty of time ...