The show, based on a 2019 book by Matthew Quirk, follows a night agent named Peter Sutherland, who is housed in the basement of The White House in a night program by the FBI. He is a phone operator of a 24/7 line that is reached by undercover intelligence agents in case of emergencies.
Have you ever imagined a world where CJ Gregg and Josh Lyman got married on The West Wing? Well, imagine no more. The Diplomat is reportedly staging a West Wing reunion in Season 3 with Bradley Whitford set to play Allison Janney ‘s husband.
Bradley Whitford is heading back to the White House, with the "West Wing" alum set for a recurring role in "The Diplomat" Season 3.
U.S. equities gained at midday Wednesday on an artificial intelligence initiative announced by the White House and strong earnings reports.
Netflix fans are urging others to binge a huge thriller as soon as they can, as season two hast just landed on the streaming platform. The Night Agent first dropped in March 2023, and scored a whopping 98.2million views in just its first 91 days on Netflix.
Season two of "The Night Agent" releases on Netflix on Thursday. Here a recap of season one.
Bradley Whitford and Allison Janney are reuniting at the White House. Whitford is joining Season 3 of Netflix’s political thriller The Diplomat, our sister site Deadline reports, playing the First Gentleman to Janney’s newly appointed POTUS.
Warning: contains finale spoilers for The Night Agent season one. The FBI’s Peter Sutherland had a hell of a time in the first season of Netflix’s mega-hit The Night Agent. He was blown up in a metro train bombing,
The youngest person to serve as White House press secretary has made her debut in the briefing room, promising to hold briefings often and saying President Donald Trump also will be available to reporters for questions.
Gabriel Basso does the fights both on the "The Night Agent" set and the kickboxing arena no matter what it does to his face. "I have other skills."
Agent is back, but there are just too many baddies for Peter Sutherland to take on, making Season 2 feel crowded.
NEW YORK – William E. Leuchtenburg, a prize-winning historian widely admired for his authoritative writings on the U.S. presidency and as the reigning scholar on Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal, has died at 102.