Banksy has added a sinking oil liner and two ... smiley faces and a chimpanzee with a sign bearing the words, “Laugh now, but one day I’ll be in charge.” Several of his works have sold ...
Banksy's version adds a sinking oil liner and ... smiley faces and a chimpanzee with a sign bearing the words, "Laugh now, but one day I'll be in charge." Several of his works have sold for ...
Banksy has added a sinking oil liner and two ... yellow smiley faces and a chimpanzee with a sign bearing the words, "Laugh now, but one day I'll be in charge." Several of his works have sold ...
Banksy has added a sinking oil liner and two ... yellow smiley faces and a chimpanzee with a sign bearing the words, "Laugh now, but one day I'll be in charge." Several of his works have sold ...